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Beginner Series

Beginner Series

"School's In, Master the Basics" with Krista Miller, "Intro to Lyrical" with Jess & Lex, and more!

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Beginner Series
  • Intro to Lyrical: "Pirouettes & Leaps" / Jess & Lex - Ep07

    In this class we talk about turned out pirouettes and right leg leaps! We also add on to our lyrical dance with our focus on getting better each week! We see you! We’ve tackled jazz turns before, and now we're transitioning to ballet/lyrical pirouettes. Keep that supporting leg strong as your ...

  • Intro To Lyrical: "Lame Duck Back Attitude Jump" / Jess & Lex - Ep06

    Up next, we'll work with Alexis on two new elements: the lame duck turn and the back attitude jump! Once you’re comfortable with those we’ll add onto the combo we’ve been working so hard on.

    Your Instructors: Jessica Richens & Alexis Gilbert

  • Intro To Lyrical "Floor Work" / Jess & Lex - Ep05

    This class focuses on how to properly do floor work, plus we add onto our combo. Floor work is so much more than just rolling around on the floor; your core must be activated 24/7, upper body must stay tall, and your legs need to remain strong! Almost every lyrical dance incorporates floor work,...

  • Intro To Lyrical "Fan Kicks & Drag Steps" Jess & Lex - Ep04

    Part 4 of the Intro to Lyrical beginner series! This class will teach you two more eight counts for your lyrical combo while focusing on drag steps and fan kicks. Drag steps are very popular as transitions (or for travel steps), while fan kicks are more technical and require specific technique ...

  • Intro To Lyrical: "Arabesque & Attitudes" / Jess & Lex - Ep 03

    It's episode 3 of Intro to Lyrical! In this class we'll continue our work on the combo, then learn how to properly execute arabesques and attitudes! You can use a ballet bar, a chair, or even a counter for these exercises. Make sure you’re using your turn out from the hips, your shoulders are p...

  • Intro To Lyrical: "Soutenu Turn & Saut De Basque" / Jess & Lex - Ep02

    Let’s learn a soutenu turn! Make sure to keep your inner thighs squeezed, and stay in high relevé to perfect it. You’ll also learn a saut de basque, which is very similar to a soutenu, but it's performed in the air and uses power from a plié. And finally, you'll get a chance to apply the techni...

  • Intro To Lyrical: "Warm Up" / Jess and Lex - Ep01

    This incredible 8 part beginner series teaches you everything you need to know about the lyrical! This first class is all about learning the true meaning of “lyrical” and taking you through everything you'll learn in the series. We’ll start with a warm up that offers the perfect combination of s...

  • TRAILER: Beginner Series: "Intro To Lyrical" / Jess & Lex

    This incredible beginner series teaches you everything you need to know about the lyrical! This first class is all about learning the true meaning of “lyrical” and taking you through everything you'll learn in the series. We’ll start with a warm up that offers the perfect combination of stretchin...

  • TRAILER: Master the Basics: Beginner Fundamentals 7 Part Series / Krista Miller

    In this incredible 7 part beginner series you'll learn the fundamentals of technique, special trick tips, and more with master class teacher Krista Miller!
    Level: Beginner
    Your instructor: Master Teacher Krista Miller
    Take the first class in the series:

  • Master the Basics: Beginner Fundamentals: "Chassés" / Krista Miller Ep01

    Join Krista Miller for this exciting 7 part series, Master the Basics: Beginner Fundamentals. This first class is the chassé, one of the first and most important steps you learn as a dancer. The chassé is a skill you'll use for your entire dance career! This class breaks down the arm placement a...

  • Master the Basics: Beginner Fundamentals: "Pivot Turns" / Krista Miller Ep02

    The 2nd class in this 7 part series, is Pivot Turns, often called a Push-Turn. You'll learn how to execute this universal dance step that’s used in a variety of dance styles, by focusing on the transfer of your weight from one foot to another. When you're ready, be sure to take the next class in ...

  • Master the Basics: Beginner Fundamentals: "Grapevine" / Krista Miller Ep03

    The Grapevine is a fun, party-step used in multiple dance genres! In this class you'll learn the basic steps, and even add some chaîné turns in between! This step is a great social dance move, and an important basic step for dance technique!
    Your Instructor: Krista Miller

  • Master the Basics: Beginner Fundamentals: "Pas de bourrée" / Krista Miller Ep04

    The Pas de Bourreé is the most common step sequence in jazz technique, and it's used in multiple dance genres! Consisting of three steps, back, side, and front, you'll find pas de bourreés used in progressions across the floor, transitions into leaps, and crepes for turns!

    Your Instructor: Kris...

  • Master the Basics: Beginner Fundamentals: Kick Ball Change / Krista Miller Ep05

    Typically used as a basic step, kick ball change consists of a low kick and weight change from back to front. This fun step is often used in jazz technique for preps and transitions, but you'll find it in many dance styles!
    Your Instructor: Krista Miller

  • Master the Basics: Beginner Fundamentals Saut De Chat Leaps /Krista Miller Ep06

    A Saut De Chat Leap is the most basic of leaps and important to master before learning more advanced leaps! You'll work on exercises that improve the height of your jump and focus on the proper use of technique.
    Your Instructor: Krista Miller

  • Master the Basics: Beginner Fundamentals: "Showcase!" / Krista Miller Ep07

    Review the last six Basic Technique classes of series, then join Krista Miller as you combine the elements for a final showcase! Take this opportunity to show off your new moves and continue practicing everything you've learned, and when you're ready, jump in and start taking Krista's intermediat...

  • TRAILER - Jess & Lex's Beginner Series

    An all new beginner series with Jessica Richens and Alexis Gilbert, teaching you everything from Jazz, Contemporary, Jazz Funk, and Musical Theater, to working on your Turns, Flexibility, Warm Ups, and so much more!

    Your ins...

  • Jess & Lex's Beginner Series: "Warm Up" - Ep01

    You know 'em from "So You Think You Can Dance" and more, now you can join Jessica Richens & Alexis Gilbert in The Space TV's exclusive, all new Beginner Series. In this first class, you can work with Jess & Lex work on strengthening and stretching with their full body warm up to ensure you’re re...

  • Jess & Lex's Beginner Series: "Turns" - Ep02

    This class focuses on the fundamentals of turning. We start with how to spot, chaîné turn, piqué turn, and work up to doing a pirouette! This class is perfect for beginners who are eager to learn everything there is to know about being successful at turning! Remember to do our warm-up video befo...

  • Jess & Lex's Beginner Series: Jazz Funk - Ep03

    Although technique is very important, style and movement matter just as much! In this class, you’ll learn a high energy combination that focuses on grooves, dynamics, performance, and more! All the tools you need to grow confidence in your movement. Throw on your sneakers, let your hair down, and...

  • Jess & Lex's Beginner Series: "Lyrical" - Ep04

    Take a breather and join Jessica Richens in this feel-good beginner piece to an intimate rendition of “Never Enough.” This beautiful lyrical combo incorporates moments of breath and lets you focus on your quality of movement, all in which are essential features of Lyrical choreography!
    Level: Beg...

  • Jess & Lex's Beginner Series: "Stretch & Strength" - Ep05

    Have you struggled with balance during a leg hold? Do you want to improve your back flexibility? Then, you’ll love this class! You’ll go through strengthening & stretching exercises that will help you understand how important it is to combine both to execute flexibility tricks. You'll learn that ...

  • Jess & Lex's Beginner Series: "JAZZ!" - Ep06

    A fun, beginner Jazz routine with Jessica Richens! This high energy combo is a blast to learn and dance to... so get ready to perform, sass it up, and have fun!
    Level: Beginner
    Your instructor: Jessica Richens
    Assisted by Kaitlin Yamano

  • Jess & Lex's Beginner Series: "Musical Theatre" - Ep07

    Are you ready to have some fun? This upbeat musical theater combo is a blast to learn and perform for family or friends! We're taking it back to the 60's with some shimmy’s and jives!
    Level: Beginner
    Your instructor: Alexis Gilbert & Jessica Richens