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Watch this video and more on The Space TV - Online Dance Classes

Jess & Lex's Beginner Series: "Warm Up" - Ep01

Beginner Series • 30m

Up Next in Beginner Series

  • Jess & Lex's Beginner Series: "Turns"...

    This class focuses on the fundamentals of turning. We start with how to spot, chaîné turn, piqué turn, and work up to doing a pirouette! This class is perfect for beginners who are eager to learn everything there is to know about being successful at turning! Remember to do our warm-up video befo...

  • Jess & Lex's Beginner Series: Jazz Fu...

    Although technique is very important, style and movement matter just as much! In this class, you’ll learn a high energy combination that focuses on grooves, dynamics, performance, and more! All the tools you need to grow confidence in your movement. Throw on your sneakers, let your hair down, and...

  • Jess & Lex's Beginner Series: "Lyrica...

    Take a breather and join Jessica Richens in this feel-good beginner piece to an intimate rendition of “Never Enough.” This beautiful lyrical combo incorporates moments of breath and lets you focus on your quality of movement, all in which are essential features of Lyrical choreography!
    Level: Beg...