Master the Basics: Beginner Fundamentals: "Showcase!" / Krista Miller Ep07
Beginner Series
Review the last six Basic Technique classes of series, then join Krista Miller as you combine the elements for a final showcase! Take this opportunity to show off your new moves and continue practicing everything you've learned, and when you're ready, jump in and start taking Krista's intermediate Technique classes!
Your Instructor: Krista Miller
Assisted by Kaitlin Yamano
Check out all of Master Teacher Krista Miller's Technique classes!
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1) All classes release at 12pm PT and remain available so you can watch anytime!
2) SUBSCRIBERS get unlimited access to all active classes and content!
3) DROP INS/class rentals are good for 72 hours from when you start the class.
Up Next in Beginner Series
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