Trick Tips: "A La Seconde Turns, with Attitude" / Krista Miller
Warm up with exercises focusing on balance and stretching, then let's learn some a la seconde tricks incorporating front attitude, side attitude, and back attitude... all in one!
Level: Advanced
Your Instructor: Krista Miller
Assisted by: Madeline Underwood
Up Next in Intermediate/Advanced
Trick Tips "Rolling Tinsica" / Krista...
Krista is back with an all new trick tip, the Rolling Tinsica! We'll start with some back strength exercises and flexibility, then focus on core and balance stabilization that’s important for future tricks!
Level: Intermediate
Your Instructor: Krista Miller
Assisted by: Maddie Joiner -
Contemporary " Nothingness" / Lonni O...
A powerful song, this combo is about finding purpose and love for absolutely 'nothing', so that we can enjoy the things we do have in our lives. We need each emotion present in our lives in order to fully feel the others ... we need sadness for joy ... we need anger to feel strength. It’s all one...
Trick Tips: "Handstands" / Krista Miller
Krista and her assistant Reggie introduce a brand new handstand trick! We’ll start with a core workout and then pushups to keep the body strong for partnering and our new handstand trick!
Krista recommends taking her cardio and strength warm up class first: