Intro to Lyrical: "Pirouettes & Leaps" / Jess & Lex - Ep07
In this class we talk about turned out pirouettes and right leg leaps! We also add on to our lyrical dance with our focus on getting better each week! We see you! We’ve tackled jazz turns before, and now we're transitioning to ballet/lyrical pirouettes. Keep that supporting leg strong as your leg in passé is turned out. We also warm up for a right développé leap. You can repeat these jumping exercises as much as you’d like before trying the big jump.
Your Instructors: Jessica Richens & Alexis Gilbert
Assisted by: Brooke Colletti & Kyleen MacCartie
“Intro to Lyrical” Beginner Series Classes:
1) Warm-Up
2) Soutenu Turn & Saut De Basque
3) Arabesque & Attitudes
4) Fan Kicks & Drag Steps
5) Floor Work
6) Lame Duck & Back Attitude Jump
7) Pirouettes & Leaps
8) "Lay Down Your Weapons" Combo