Technique: #WatchBacks / Krista Miller - Ep42
Join us for this special #WatchBacks episode where Krista offers tips, tricks, and direct feedback to students from her Technique: Training Class Ep39. Then retake the class and apply what you've learned.
Level: All Welcome
Your Instructor: Krista Miller
Ep39 Class:
How do #Watchbacks Work?
1️⃣ - Take a #WatchBacks class, then record and post your version of the lesson to Instagram and TAG: @TheSpaceTV and #Watchbacks (or email it to [email protected])
2️⃣ Mark and Krista select students to be FEATURED on The Space TV and get feedback on your performance!
3️⃣ Then join Mark and Krista as they watch back your clip on in the last week of the Month, and provide direct feedback to you! And remember, Mark and Krista encourage you to re-take the class after the watch back, to refine your skills!
Up Next in Beginner/Intermediate
"Stretching & Conditioning" / Autumn ...
Come practice some stretching and conditioning with Autumn Miller! This class focuses on getting more flexible in the hamstrings while working on extensions and finding the strength within your legs.
Level: All Welcome
Your Instructor: Autumn Miller
Assisted by: Laci Stoico -
Technique: "All About 6 Steps" / Kris...
Krista and Autumn Miller bring you a class all about 6-steps! Start with a warm up to stretch, condition and work on your core strength, then practice wall stretches in your middle second position and work through your splits. Then let's move into a basic 6-step, adding different transitions lik...
Technique: "Technical Training" for #...
Take this class, post your technique using #WATCHBACKS and @TheSpaceTV, to be featured in Krista’s upcoming #WATCHBACKS episode!
This class begins with a basic technique warm up focusing on core strength and stretches to prepare our bodies for class! Then we'll highlight the technical elements i...