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Beginner Jazz Technique / Krista Miller
Join our Academy students for a return to the fundamentals! Enjoy the rhythm of jazz walks, graceful chaine turns, Pas de Bourrees, and soaring jete leaps!
Level: Beginner
Assisted by: The Academy students
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Lyrical: "Battlefield" / Madeline Und...
Let's get into our lyrical feels as we focus on dynamics, textures, and technique!
Level: Beg/Ing.
Assisted by: Bella Klassen -
Lyrical / Contemporary: "Ending" / Al...
Let's infuse emotion into every step we take as it guides us from our core and fills our body. Remember to stay focused on your intention as you dance, and put more importance on your emotional expression than on executing the combo perfectly. This class is a powerful outlet for when life feels o...
Trailer: "Greatness"
We truly are all in this together, so let's share, grow, and learn from one another.