Technique: "How to Improve Pirouettes" / Krista Miller
Grab your journals and shoes and let's get into pirouettes! In this technique class, Krista breaks down the key elements and body positions needed to pirouette successfully. From the placement of arms and correct prep position, to finding balance in your pirouettes, we'll go through exercises to help with our balance and hold the proper position to get more consistent turns.
Level: All Welcome
Assisted by: Austin Lee and Evan Guinet
Up Next in Technique
Krista Miller - Leg Progressions
Let's work on legs, legs, legs! Krista starts this trick tip with a quick warm up using yoga blocks to help you stretch your splits and warm up your hamstrings and hip flexers. Then she breaks down a progression with an arabesque, fan kick, and back attitude. She'll work through our body positi...
Trick Tips: "Butterfly" / Krista Miller
Get ready to spread your wings and fly in Krista's butterfly trick tip! Krista and Maddie lead us in a small warm up jump to make sure their ankles are warm and legs are engaged and ready to work. Then Krista breaks down body placement and how we can prep for the jump. Go at your own pace, work ...
“Injury Prevention” / Krista Miller
Grab your Journals and take note of a few helpful injury prevention tips from some the Launch class of '23. Let's discuss the cause of common dance injuries along with exercises and tip to help decrease pain while building strength, so we can all maintain a happy and healthy body. Be sure to ta...