Trick Tips: Jeté Leap / Krista Miller
9m 57s
Krista brings us an all new trick tip with the classic jeté leap. She'll start with a great stretching routine and jumping exercise then it's time to work on jump technique. Francesca Reese is assisting and representing all the "lefties" in the house! If you don't have a ballet bar, some people like to use chairs as a substitute, but always make sure they're stable, safe, and secure first.
Level: Beg/Int.
Assisted by: Francesca Reese
Up Next in Beginner/Intermediate
Trick Tips: "Inside Illusions" / Kris...
Krista Miller brings a trick trip classic as she breaks down inside illusions. Joining her, Kaitlyn will show you the correct (and incorrect) motion for that proper magic effect. Practice these as a progression with Kaitlyn and then work them into your improv.
Level: Beg/Int.
Assisted by: Kaitli... -
Lyrical: "Believe" / Lonni Olson
The focus of this combo is to get back to the basics and find your individual movements, while still feeling connected to each move. Let the music guide you as you learn without a mirror. The goal is to make each move feel good, before you think about how you look doing it. Remember, you can al...
"Valentine's Technique" / Krista Miller
Love is in the air and so is TECHNIQUE! Krista and her Academy assists are doing this intermediate technique class to the sounds of classic love songs. Happy Valentine's Day from your Space.TV family.
Level: Intermediate
Assisted by: Caitlyn Reshaw, Kinsley Stella, and Sophia Elizabeth