Technique: "Post-Thanksgiving Conditioning" / Krista Miller
Back from our holiday, Krista and team Launch are working off all the Thanksgiving goodies with a conditioning workout! Starting with a warm up, let's work through cardio, arms, legs, and of course, our cores. Each section will be led by a different Launch dancer as we bring our technique journals and note the most difficult exercises, while working them into our regular workout!
Level: Intermediate
Assisted by: Kaitlin Yamano, Madeline Underwood, Emma Carter, Jenna Sousa, Clara Ungaro, Maddie Joiner, Anika Kojima
Up Next in Beginner/Intermediate
Street Jazz: "Progressions” / Gerran ...
A solid beginner/intermediate street jazz combo that's all about progressions! You can travel across the floor or even reverse it, but start right here with this driving, fun combo!
Level: Beg/Int.
Assisted by: Austin Blaise Lee -
Technique: "Academy Combo" / Krista M...
The Brea Space's Academy students make their first appearance on The Space TV! Join Krista and Academy 2022 with a warm up and work on new progressions. The Academy also has their technique journals handy so they can come back to share their improvements over the year!
Level: Beg/Int.
Assisted ... -
Hip Hop: "Get Down" / Kassidy Bright
Kassidy Bright brings a hip hop combo with attitude! Join Gracyn, Jenna and Kassidy as they GET DOWN in this beginner intermediate combo. And don't let the level fool you, it's high energy and takes hip hop technique to create the party vibe.
Level: Beg/Int.
Assisted by Gracyn Phelps and Jenn...