Hip Hop: "Do It To It" / Ava Bernstine-Mitchell
Hip Hop
Ava Flav returns to TheSpace.TV with a beginner / intermediate combo! Not only do we have a fun hip hop routine to learn, but class will start with a brief breakdown of some classic hip hop grooves. Remember to post and tag your videos @avaflav1 to show us how you - - - do it to it.
Level: Beg/Int.
Assisted by: Gracyn Phelps
Up Next in Hip Hop
Hip Hop "Diamond Girl" / Kassidy Bright
She may be solo today, but Kassidy Bright is bringing her advance hip hop attitude to The Space TV! The details are important, and your approach and demeanor to this combo can definitely elevate your hip hop level. Don't forget to rewind, rewatch, and get all of the routine's nuances ... and of...
Hip Hop: "Passing Time" / Kassidy Bright
THE Kass Bright returns with an intermediate hip hop routine to test our technique and groove. Choreographed to some extra funky lyrics, this short combo is all about focusing our energy on finding our hip hop vibes. Jenna and Gracyn show us that sometimes it takes a few tries to get Kass's intra...
Kassidy Bright - Hip Hop - Get Down
Kassidy Bright brings a hip hop combo with attitude! Join Gracyn, Jenna and Kassidy as they GET DOWN in this beginner intermediate combo. And don't let the level fool you, it's high energy and takes hip hop technique to create the party vibe.
Level: Beg/Int.
Assisted by Gracyn Phelps and Jenn...