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Watch this video and more on The Space TV - Online Dance Classes

Watch this video and more on The Space TV - Online Dance Classes

Jazz: "Hey Hi Hello" / Hannahlei Cabanilla

Hannahlei Cabanilla & Jay Jay Dixonbey • 20m

Up Next in Hannahlei Cabanilla & Jay Jay Dixonbey

  • Jazz : "Open My Eyes" / Hannahlei Cab...

    An upbeat, medium tempo combo with clean jazz lines and plenty of flavor and personality!
    Level: Int/Adv.
    Assisted by: Evan Guinet

  • Jazz: "R.E.M." / Hannahlei & Jay Jay

    Join Hannahlei Cabanilla & Jay Jay Dixonbey for a fun, upbeat combo that's stylistic and works through fundamental jazz techniques! We'll also work on lengthening and being grounded.
    Level: Int/Adv.
    Your Instructors: Hannahlei Cabanilla & Jay Jay Dixonbey
    Assisted by:
    Music: "R.E.M." Ar...

  • Jazz: "Only" Hannahlei Cabanilla & Ja...

    Join Hannahlei Cabanilla and Jay Jay Dixonbey in this intricate jazz combo that challenges you to practice control and stylize your movement, while helping you nail your performance!
    Level: Advanced
    Your Instructor: Hannahlei Cabanilla & Jay Jay Dixonbey
    Music: "Only" by Zhu and Tinashe
