Contemporary: "Murder" / Katy Tate
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Drawing inspiration from Katy's favorite choreographer, Bob Fosse, seize this opportunity to master dynamics and musicality. Craft a mood and breathe life into a character as you revel in the joy of performance. Enjoy!
Level: Advanced
Assisted by: Reggie Valdez
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Jazz Funk: "My House" / Todd Flanagan
Elevate your dance game to the fierce beats of "My House." Embrace the unapologetic energy as she asserts her boss status. Follow suit and own the dance floor with sharp, crisp movements, maintaining a grounded presence while infusing your unique flair. Get ready to unleash your inner power and c...
Trick Tips: "Progressions Part 2" - K...
In this class, we'll focus on mastering balance and seamless transitions across the floor. Our primary areas of emphasis will be the Arabesque and side extensions. Get ready to refine your technique and elevate your performance as we delve into the artistry of these graceful movements. Let's emba...
Jazz: "Applause" - Austin Lee
This class is all about elevating your musicality, dynamics, and textures while having fun and just being able to smile while your dancing. Imagine that you are on stage in front of thousands of people and their applause is all for you! Own that spotlight and shine!
Level: Int/Adv.
Assisted by Je...